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Healing Chronic Wounds Like Never Before


3D Bioprinting is a revolutionary new technology that is used at Dr. RK's to treat chronic wounds.

It uses your own cells to create a custom-made implant, which is then used to repair your damaged tissue.

How does it work?


Adipose tissue is collected from the patient by liposuction under local anaesthesia.

Adipose tissue collection


The adipose tissue is processed to create a bio-ink, a material we can use to print the 3D skin graft.

Bio-ink preparation


The wound is scanned to create a 3D model of the wound site

Wound scanning


The 3D skin graft is printed using a 3D bioprinter

3D skin graft printing


The 3D skin graft is implanted into the wound site using a surgical procedure.

 3D skin graft implantation

Why choose 3D bioprinting over traditional wound healing?


3D bioprinting uses the patient's own cells, so there is no risk of rejection by the immune system. No more worry about any complications.


3D bioprinting allows for the creation of custom-made implants tailored to each patient's specific needs. Get the best possible treatment for your situation.


 3D bioprinting is an effective way to heal chronic wounds that have not responded to traditional treatments. Finally, find relief from your pain and suffering.


 3D bioprinting can be performed in a single outpatient procedure. No more multiple hospital stays and surgeries.

  • Patients with chronic wounds, such as:

  • Diabetic foot ulcers

  • Pressure sores

  • Burns

  • Non-healing surgical wounds

  • Traumatic wounds

Patients with chronic wounds, such as:

Who can benefit from 3D bioprinting?


Are you interested in learning more about how 3D bioprinting can close your chronic open wounds?

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